Yesterday,I spent a better part of the day at work reading the blog "In my dream It was Simpler" and I did not know some of the events of each lady got into my blood stream making me a bit vexed at relationships,people,life etc.I began to react and ask questions based on the disappointments and pain I read in the book .i.e ladies who never met faithful men they could settle down with.And being an unmarried young lady who has spent a greater part of my life as a "Church gurl", seeking to please God and keeping my body(though tempted by devious men), i began to question my decisions to love, i even wondered if I am getting it right this time?
The "Eno i used to know" panics at people's failures, "fears their fear" and lives by assumptions. That Eno has a way of believing the reports of other men as though they'd happen to her and she tailors her life to fit people's.
BUT where would the word of God be effectual if Eno believes every story she hears?Has she forgotten that THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH, Has she forgotten that she MUST WALK BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT, and that she is a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar person?That is different from every other man including her siblings and parents?
The "Eno I used to know" found out that she is somewhat opinionated, insistent,and argumentative .She throws tantrums like a spoiled child and could be easily provoked to the point where she throws hot, hard missiles.
Lord you need to help Eno in marriage.She does not have to carry any one's experience into hers.She desires to be a good wife and not live by the today's trends.She has heard in recent times how marriages are a far cry from dating(nods in agreement),she listens to all the lies about marriages and ruminates on the divorce stories forgetting that her parents and siblings are happily married. What a life!
Lord, Eno does not know how to be a wife after all, she's never been a wife(but a gurlfriend)so make her ready to be One-a virtuous woman at that!To not just read "Gary Chapman's" theories and teachings and all those marriage propositions yet can not practice even one theory.
She never always knows she is saucy, tough, sarcastic and insensitive until she is dealing with a man she loves.Eno could submit a while till she grows in the relationship then she starts proving heady and taking undue advantage,flinging words without caution.
Lord one last thing is Eno has always been a sister and doesn't know she could be extremely mushy around a man she loves.Lord please help her not to throw caution to the wind but eat the fruits of self-control and patience.She must not think the high walls she built in Uni will help her for it is not by power or might but by the Spirit.That she will flee all appearances of evil and youthful lust.Lord Eno sincerely needs your help because the gurl we used to know was principled, sensitive and at times naive.Lord keep her to that night she bears MRS....AMEN!