Hey friends, I've been perusing Solomon's love notes recently just to get myself VERY assured and convinced of God's love and my role as an intimate lover. I've been overly distracted though and I can barely sit with God as He so desires but I'm learning to take one day at a time closer to his heart . Friends the more we know God(by pressing into Him) NOT by getting involved in activities and practising religion but KNOWING HIM intimately,the more we know HIS LOVE. His love will be tested a lot by stormy and thorny situations but we MUST still love him because he so desires we love him right back. God first loved us and gave his life for us, ours is to love in return.
In studying Solomon's today, I stumbled on this sweet Love story of Billy and Ruth Graham- by their daughter Gigi Graham Tchividjian- to buttress my point. Pls read carefully:
"There is no greater love than the love of God. However,here on earth God has given us certain relationships that give us a taste of or a glimpse into His divine love.
The first relationship that was created and ordained by God to help us understand in some small measure the greatness of His love is the MARRIAGE relationship. A well-balanced, loving marriage relationship is the nearest thing to "heaven on earth", as so many of our writers have reminded us. Scriptures includes many comparisons between our relationship with God and the marriage relationship.
I believe that one of the reasons that I came to know and love the Lord at an early age was because I saw His love manifest in the marriage relationship around me. From the time I was a very young girl, I knew Mother and Daddy loved each other. They were obviously sweethearts,and after almost sixty years of marriage, they are lovers still... Mother and Daddy's marriage is an exception and not necessarily an example. God picked a very special woman and a very special man to do a very special job. Young Christians today can't look at Ruth and Billy Graham as an example of a "normal" marriage. So in that sense, I don't know whether I was fortunate or unfortunate. But from the moment I could sense things, I knew Mother and Daddy loved each other deeply and dearly. Even today in their older age, whenever I'm with them, Daddy's eyes light up and his demeanour changes when Mother is in the room. And Mother's eyes light up and she becomes happy and excited when he comes into the room. So I know there is a real love match there. It was a great sacrifice for them to be apart so much of the time because they were and are deeply in love.
One of the major magazines came out with an issue od the one hundred greatest love stories of the century. All kinds of celebrities were featured. And tucked in with the rest was a very small picture of Mother and Daddy. I looked at the other "great love stories" and thought, MOST OF THESE SO-CALLED LOVE STORIES HAVE ENDED in divorce,and many are not even married so what exactly does this culture perceive as love?
Here is a couple who have been MARRIED almost sixty year,still together and still in love. They have ENDURED ups and downs, hardships, stress, separations, sadness and loneliness as well as happy times. And their love story is tucked in between notorious love stories that have not lasted? Which is the true example of love?"
Need I say more,this story has left me with a knowing that God's love endures forever,His love is weigh too deep,His love is a mystery and a replica of the marriage relationship HE(God) ALONE INSTITUTED FOR MAN AND WOMAN(only) which is a picture of CHRIST and the CHURCH.