… Were meant for one day,
I wonder why Jesus came for all time?
If all the lingerie, candies and candle dinner
Were preserved for the second month of each year
Then there would be no reserves for honeymoon and all year long.
If all the intimacy and lovely words were hoarded for one day,
What happens to the three-six-four days in which people
Yearn to be embraced and pampered?
You call it love isn’t it?
When he buys all the red dresses and roses for the night?
But why the sudden hate and abuse when he dumps you?
Why rein those curses?
I just wonder
…why love turns to hatred after the months and years of commitment?
Well if love were all about kissing and caressing,
Where does the love on the cross relinquish to?
How can humans dictate the pace of real love created- no not just created-
But existing in the Almighty?
The One who taught all men to truly love,
to love the offender and the hatchet bearer.
Why would I symbolize a day to prove love
when at each doorstep I ascend I see
Lonely eyes, Hurting hearts, sullen bodies
Craving to taste, embrace and hold unto everlasting love?
The red rose won’t put make sense to that crippled child
holding out a plate to receive one coin for a day’s meal
neither will a beggar skip to the rhythm of love.
How can one ever extend a prom invite to the sick and helpless?
Why would I decorate my lover with all the red gifts around town, claiming
to be head over heels for him,
when in the next month I’m tired of all the love I had for him?
Does it make sense to compose the most sensational, romantic poem for her,
When I’m sure I really do not mean them?
Why should we look into each other’s eyes and chant the sacred word, “I Love you”,
with deception obviously lined on our pupils?
Why would two lovers paint the town red,
And turn envious heads to their show of love,
Only to turn fighters,
And I hear them say, “We were not meant for each other”
Well it is so ideal to love and be loved
But I am only a silent observer,
Perhaps a
“wonderer”, pondering
on the intrigues of love and life.
The salient truth is,
True love can only come through knowing Jesus.
A slave master understands conditional love
And his slave is an approval addict.
Humans know to love when the going is good and
Learn to hate when the chips are down.
Man is so quick to punish the offender
And passes approval on the “just”.
Man’s love is fallible and controlled.
Some love with difficult to satisfy conditions,
Others will either not love again or love to hurt.
But His love has no boundaries and lays no claims to color, race or tribe.
Tis’ in Him I learnt unending love given at the expense of death,
Love not reserved for the perfect, the rich and skillful;
That love I earned in deep sin.
His love cannot be fathomed nor will I compare it to a lover man.
God’s love looks beyond a day of roses and scented candles,
His love flows like an endless river and in His love; he rescues the worst of men.
In all my life,
He is the only lover that keeps to His terms without breaking a soul.
I have found in His love;
“Neither do I condemn you, for I see righteousness and hope, and I call you by name”
Tis His love that heals pain and comforts sorrow.
His love holds me through the night and walks into the morning.
I’m speechless in a love that counts not my wrong, chastises my excesses and won’t let me slip away.
That is the everlasting love found only in Jesus!
P/S: We tend to celebrate LOVE on Valentine's day and Christmas alone while so many like me and you need to be AFFIRMED daily and shown deep love.Let's dare to Love as Christ instructed us to...GOD BLESS!